I do know that I plan to write extensive blogs on Delphi, Olympia, the Acropolis, and Meteora in the future. For now though, here are some more pictures I took. Enjoy!
The Temple of Zeus (with me in front of it)!
Themistocles' Wall (the hotel I stayed in was built on top of it)!
Information about the wall!
The Lion Gate at Mycenae (with me in front of it)!
The theater at Epidauros!
A real Spartan shield!
Ostraka all featuring the name of Themistocles!
MORE pottery with the name of Themistocles!
Me in front of the Parthenon at night!
A side view of the Parthenon!
A picture of the Aereopagus with an awesome view of the Parthenon!
Stay tuned for Pt. 3!