On the one hand, using terms like kylix, skyphos, himation, etc. certainly gives the story a more authentic feel, and also assures readers that the author has done her research. On the other hand, there's something intimidating and even pretentious about weighing the reader down with terms that aren't familiar to them. I mean they're already dealing with difficult names like Themistocles, Artaphernes and Megabyzus (note that I'm not just writing for history buffs).

Here's a small excerpt from a chapter featuring Themistocles and his grumpy father-in-law. Note the two ways I can write it.
1) His father in-law muttered something about unwashed feet and hands, then hurumphed. "So, you need money again, do you?" "How well you know me," Themistocles said with a grin. He took a couch opposite the Boutad patriarch, though none was offered. He helped himself to some wine as well. "That's for my guest," the old man protested as Themistocles filled his saucer to the brim. "It's so good of him to share, too."
2) His father in-law muttered something about unwashed feet and hands, then hurumphed. "So, you need money again, do you?" "How well you know me," Themistocles said with a grin. He took a couch opposite the Boutad patriarch, though none was offered. He helped himself to some wine as well. "That's for my guest," the old man protested as Themistocles filled his kylix to the brim. "It's so good of him to share, too."
Which is better?
One more question. Would a glossary be a good idea? I am sure that I will use one for names, but as I've stated I'm not sure about throwing items into the mix.