Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Revisions

If you glance slightly to your right, you'll notice I'm making a few changes to my blog's format. See? -------------->

I thought it would be fun to organize my posts by labeling them more clearly. From now on, you can view my take on everything from Ancient Greece in movies to Ancient Greece in video games, as well as read book reviews or even pieces of my upcoming Themistocles novel. It's all still a bit messy of course, but at least I've labled most of my blog posts and added a couple of neat gadgets for people to look at.

Let me know what you think and what suggestions you might have!


Mark said...

I like the popular posts section, how did you create it?

Meghan said...

It's actually a gadget you can add to your site through (I didn't even know about it until messing around with my blog last night). :)