Saturday, July 04, 2009


At exactly 5:00 PM on July 4, 2009 I saved my my novel I, Themistokles in its first complete form on my computer after spending weeks typing up 5 notebooks worth of writing. I can now finally begin the process of editing my novel.


*It should be noted that I also have it saved on 2 USB drives so that (hopefully!) I never have to worry about losing it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Notebook 5 FINALLY complete!

YAY! The final notebook containing my Themistocles novel has been typed up! That one was the hardest to get through as there was so much of it. I'm feeling really good about getting that out of the way.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be able to recover the 38,000 words of my novel from my first USB drive that I lost (I have the rest of the novel saved on two new USB drives and my hard drive). I'm hoping to re-type it by this weekend. I also need to type up a bunch of loose-leaf notes I have scattered all over the place. Once I do all this I can FINALLY get down to the business of editing it and shaping it into something like a real book!

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Acropolis Museum

Judith Weingarten has a Youtube video tour of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens up on her site. Since I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd link it here as well:

New Acropolis Museum

I'm hoping to see it myself one day and really enjoyed a close-up look at some of the priceless artifacts. I also thought the news that an entire neighborhood was excavated during the building of the museum was super interesting. Hopefully it will shed even more light on the Ancient Greeks!