Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spartacus: Blood & Sand & Bleh

I poked my head out of my archeological dig on Anceient Greece long enough to watch a free episode of the new Spartacus series. Wish I hadn't.

This series has no redeeming qualities. Where Rome was over-the-top and gritty (with a solid cast of actors), this is just AWFUL. The script is terrible, the acting is flinch-inducing, the costumes are ridiculous and the green-screen is annoying. The latter worked in 300 because the movie was based on the comic book, which in and off itself is very stylized. This...this is just stupid.

I guess it's unfair of me to expect anything glamorous from the makers of Xena: Warrior Princess, but seriously...


Carla said...

Oh, dear. Sounds like one to avoid if/when it makes it to this side of the pond.

Anonymous said...

I still think it's cool to see someone making a career of the classics. I chickened out when I was the only Latin major.

Scott Oden said...

See, I enjoyed it. It was a filmed comic book, to be sure, but that was what I'd been expecting: bloody, over-the-top fight scenes and lots of slo-mo. I didn't even howl too badly at the mangled history :)

It's absolutely NOT Rome, but it's going to be geometrically superior to the upcoming Conan film . . .